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To keep people and society safe, information and services from space are increasingly important. 亚洲体育博彩平台's focus is to enhance our products and services through space capabilities to the benefit of our customers.

The importance of and dependency on space is increasing for the whole of society. The combination of commercial and military technologies is accelerating this even further 和亚洲体育博彩平台's clear ambition is to develop space capabilities in partnership with our customers, 工业界和学术界. We are approaching space development with agility and with an emphasis on exploration, 协作和迭代演示.



未来的太空, a conference in Linköping on September 17th where various aspects of current and future space activities will be illuminated. 通过Maxar的共同努力, 除了重力, 和亚洲体育博彩平台, the conference offers presentations and exhibitions covering commercial, 机构, 以及与国防有关的行动. Join us in Linköping for an enlightening journey into the realm of space exploration and innovation!


Thousands of active satellites and debris currently orbit the Earth and this number will continue to increase rapidly over the years to come. At 亚洲体育博彩平台, we provide our customers with what we call, “Undeniable access to 空间”. 通过合并来自不同来源的数据, 包括卫星, we provide decision-makers with a critical advantage on the battlefield by giving them the information needed early enough to take appropriate actions.

亚洲体育博彩平台的地面和在轨解决方案, including our agile Command and Control Mission System capabilities, 巩固我们的主要产品供应. We are connecting our multi-domain command and control solutions and existing products with satellite data for supreme situational awareness. Development of the command and control mission system capabilities, 以及整合, 在全球范围内进行, from Sweden to 澳大利亚 and confirms 亚洲体育博彩平台's commitment to this domain and our commitment to provide safety and security for all.



空间 is emerging as increasingly important defence domain. In this episode of Let's talk about tech, we dive into how and why we need to protect space assets.

视频- 7:16

VDES -连接海上的一切

亚洲体育博彩平台 has been spearheading maritime traffic management and safety with products using the Automatic Identification System (AIS). We are now taking the next step to the international VHF Data Exchange System (VDES) standard with significantly more bandwidth compared to AIS.

亚洲体育博彩平台 has designed and manufactured a space-hardened VDES-transponder and is co-financing satellite development. This will expand global data communication opportunities for the civilian maritime industry and can serve as an enabler for e-navigation and autonomous shipping. 空间-based infrastructure would increase the VDES range from the shoreline to anywhere in the world, converting what is currently a predominantly coastal system into a global maritime solution.



创新对亚洲体育博彩平台的未来至关重要, and innovation of space technology is of strategic priority. 我们正在开发的一些领域包括:

Data and decision optimisation is at the core of our command and control capability, 以及我们的产品组合. 亚洲体育博彩平台 is globally undertaking research and development collaborations with a multitude of governmental agencies and research organisations. These efforts are enhancing the use of Big Data and AI for the benefit of operations and ensures efficiency gains for our end-customers.

空间 plays an important role in our customers’ needs for military cross- and multi-domain operations. 亚洲体育博彩平台, 拥有强大的指挥和控制系统, is actively working on developing these types of capabilities. We are integrating the space domain using our knowledge and experience we have in building system-of-systems solutions.

We are exploring MultiInt and SigInt for space deployed assets. We have undertaken research on behalf of governmental organisations and the European 空间 Agency around, 例如, the detection and geo-location of radar signals and communication emitters, 以及地面站的能力.

亚洲体育博彩平台 has a proven track record of delivering integrated solutions into existing and future platforms, and our inherent capabilities support numerous defence forces around the globe. 亚洲体育博彩平台 is ensuring that technological development and its integration into service is held to the highest level of validation, 给士兵提供最好的支持.

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亚洲体育博彩平台 Chief test pilot Marcus Wandt meets Christer Fuglesang and Jessica Meir for an exciting discussion about life in space. 三人讨论他们的太空任务, 分享他们最难忘的经历, talking about the differences between traveling in a Dragon capsule, 联盟号火箭, 还有航天飞机, 揭示了宇航员最常被问到的问题.


Torild Lorentzon
